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Smile design encompasses a series of procedures that are performed in the patient's mouth area to  improve their physical appearance, giving back function as well as harmony and beauty. 


These procedures are highly personalized and depend on the characteristics and needs of each  patient.


A smile design can include everything from performing orthodontic treatment and teeth  whitening to the placement of crowns and implants. 

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Depending on the type of materials used we have: smile designs in resin, ceromers and ceramics.  With these materials we make ultra-thin sheets, without the need to wear your teeth and does not  require anesthesia.




It consists of applying a thin layer of resin on the tooth, which is molded into the appropriate shape,  then it will harden with an LED light, then the restoration is polished and shiny. 


Preparation time: 1 appointment 

Approximate duration in the mouth: 4 to 7 years 




Ceromer is a laboratory material that combines the advantages of resin and ceramic, making it  resistant to wear and fracture. It also has better long-term color stability. The first time an  impression is taken to send to the laboratory and at the next appointment they are tested and  cemented. 


Processing time: 2 appointments 

Approximate duration in the mouth: 5 to 7 years 




They are made on the basis of lithium disilicate, it has excellent hardness and gloss properties. It is  ideal for patients looking for longer-lasting treatments, where the color is maintained much longer  over time. Its elaboration is carried out in the laboratory; In the first appointment we take an  impression for its elaboration and in a second appointment correction of details is made if necessary  and cementation. 


Processing time: 2 appointments 

Approximate duration in the mouth: 15 to 20 years




It is a titanium screw that is inserted into the jaw bone to replace the missing tooth as if it were a  natural tooth. It does not cause any kind of adverse change in the body and is highly recommended. 



It is responsible for correcting incorrectly positioned teeth and bones. We offer the patient all types  of Brackets: Conventional, sapphire, lingual, self-ligating and invisible aligners.



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Beneficios de estar con nosotros

En Yira Paternostro Odontología, contamos con todas las especialidades para brindar un tratamiento completo; asesoramos al paciente para tomar la mejor decisión según su caso, garantizando los resultados.


Según el tipo de materiales utilizados tenemos: Diseños de sonrisa en RESINA, CERÓMEROS y CERÁMICA. Con estos materiales confeccionamos láminas ultradelgadas, sin necesidad  de desgastar tus dientes.


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